<BR> \dottedline[<#106#><I>optional dotcharacter</I><#106#>]{<#107#><I>dotgap in units</I><#107#>}(<I>x</I><SUB>1</SUB>,<I>y</I><SUB>1</SUB>)(<I>x</I><SUB>2</SUB>,<I>y</I><SUB>2</SUB>)...(<I>x</I><SUB>n</SUB>,<I>y</I><SUB>n</SUB>)</TT><#469#>
The above command connects the specified points by drawing a dottedline
between each pair of coordinates. At least two points must be
specified. The dotted line is drawn with inter-dot gap as specified in the
second argument (in unitlengths). Note that since integral number of dots
have to be plotted, the interdot-gap may not necessarily be exactly as
specified, but very close. It really doesn't matter in visual appearance
except when the length of dottedline is very small. By default, a little
square (<tex2html_verb_mark>42<tex2html_verb_mark>, described later) is used as the dot, and can be
changed by optionally specifying another character. The thickness of dots is
governed by currently effective <tex2html_verb_mark>43<tex2html_verb_mark>, <tex2html_verb_mark>44<tex2html_verb_mark> or
<tex2html_verb_mark>45<tex2html_verb_mark> declaration when the default character is used. Note
that some characters such as ``*'' in roman font do not come out centered,
although most other characters do.
One can obtain a <#108#><I>solid line</I><#108#> by specifying a very small inter-dot gap.
Since L<SUP><SMALL>A</SMALL></SUP>T<SMALL>E</SMALL>X provides for only finite number of slopes for drawing lines,
this gives a general way of making lines with arbitrary slopes. However, if
<#109#><I>solid lines</I><#109#> are made using above technique, there is a good chance
T<SMALL>E</SMALL>X will run out of memory, hence it is suggested that this command be used
only for ``dotted'' lines. Another, much more efficient, way of making solid
lines is described later in the section on <tex2html_verb_mark>46<tex2html_verb_mark>.
Each ``dot'' in the dottedline is plotted as a centered object, including
those at the end points. Thus, a dottedline with a large-sized <#110#><I>dotcharacter</I><#110#> may appear to be longer although, technically speaking,
correct. To clarify the point, below are three lines of equal length and, in